Frederick Lam A Data Enthusiast's Blog:
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About Me

Hello World! My name is Frederick Lam and I’m a Data Enthusiast.

I completed my undergraduate from Roosevelt University in 2018, majoring in Actuarial Science and minor in Finance. After graduation, instead of following the traditional actuary route, I chose to explore other avenues related to data analytics and storytelling. And that lead me to enroll into Metis’s Data Science Bootcamp, which I completed last Summer 2020.

During my time at Metis, I conceptualized and presented 5 projects, each covering an area within Data Science. You can find a summary report, as well as their GitHub, for each project on this blog.

The curriculum at Metis went over multiple topics including Exploratory Data Analysis, Machine Learning used in Regression and Classification, Natural Language Processing, Clustering, and Relational Databases. In addition, the program also served as a coding camp and taught Python as their main language tool. Some other tools we used are Tableau, SQL, AWS, and Postgresql.